amazon seller identity

What is Amazon Seller Identity Verification?

New sellers who wish to trade on the Amazon store in the USA, Canada, and Mexico have to go through a seller identification verification process called the Amazon Seller Identity Verification. The process requires sellers to submit relevant documents and a seller identification video because Amazon uses facial recognition of sellers as part of its security.

Sellers who proceed with the submission of the verification are allowed to start listing items on their marketplaces, but listings will only be visible once the process is complete and they are verified.

Required Documents for Verification

1. National Identification Card

  • Must be currently valid.
  • Information on the ID card must match that of your Amazon account.
  • A scanned copy o f the ID card must be submitted.
  • The languages that can be processed by Amazon are Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, or Spanish. If card is in any other language, it must come with a notarized translation in one of these languages, or a  copy of your passport.

2. Credit Card Statements, Bank Statements, etc.

  • Statements must have been issued within 90 days.
  • Transactions can be blacked out if necessary, bWut documents must otherwise remain untampered with and other information must be clearly visible.
  • Similar to the ID card, languages that are not either Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, or Spanish must be translated.

The documents required may differ slightly based on the origin country of the seller. To read the full list of required documents in detail, you can check out Amazon’s Guide.

Verification Process

Before you begin the verification process, you first need to create an account on Amazon Seller Central. Once you have registered your account, you can then proceed with these 3 simple steps:

1. Visit the Seller Identity Verification page.

2. Select the country of business origin.

3.  Fill up the form and submit. Remember that the information provided cannot be changed or undone.

Typically it takes Amazon around three days to verify the information, upon which an email will be sent to the seller to notify them of the verification results.

**IMPORTANT NOTE** : Make sure the information provided during the verification process is true, accurate, and meet all criteria. Amazon does not take lightly to lazy mistakes and will reject your approval request. Submissions that are rejected are final and no appeal is allowed. Sellers that have been rejected also cannot reapply.

Here is the link to Amazon Seller Identity Verification Guide again. Be sure to go through the details thoroughly to avoid any potential issues.

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  • We strategize, plan and run your ad campaign based on our 8 years of experience
  • We manage customer support the right way ensuring brand equity is maintained while adding experience and process to reduce losses.
  • We list your products based on what each platform needs
  • We optimise your listings according to current ecosystem requirements
  • We monitor and advise on compliance to ensure that tour platform stays functional.